[Chapter 3 of the book before Islam Islam (ed. Oozebap 2007)]
By "official ulama 'all those linked to institutions and government-related organizations, political movements, pressure groups or states: ulema councils, ministries of religious affairs, national muftis, imams and mosques of great presidents and other senior university Islamic. Speaking of his discredit, we find that many of the bodies or persons concerned have lost their authority over most of the Muslims, and how this loss of influence is growing. No doubt that in all bodies and institutions mentioned there are people of knowledge, whose teaching and service to the community deserves the utmost respect, but unfortunately, certain positions of some of these 'official' ulama 'connoting just to rest causing distrust of religious institutions in all Muslims. In this text, try to analyze the scope of this discredited, its causes and consequences. Before, it is necessary to understand what their position (which they should have) the ulema in Islamic tradition.
The word ulama is the plural of Alim : Wise, owner of 'ilm , science or knowledge. The transmission of knowledge is essential in a traditional society. If the basic practice of the pillars of Islam is transmitted in the family, a deeper understanding of the tradition should be achieved through a search that spans the entire life of the believer. Muhammad said: "Seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim and Muslim".This quote includes knowledge of the Qur'an, Sunnah and Fiqh, they need to live as a Muslim and Muslim. Throughout the life of a believer, new situations will lead us to question several themes: sexuality, abortion, usury, marital problems, dealing with our neighbors, how to respond to violence, as understanding religious pluralism. Traditional science has developed answers to the thousand and one situations which may arise, based on the teachings of Islam. As circumstances change constantly, it is also necessary to contextualize these responses. Although it would be ideal, it is clear that not all Muslims can devote the necessary time to the task of finding answers to all questions. Thus, we call those ulema who have dedicated their lives to the study of the Koran, the Sunna and the Sharia and are responsible for the transmission of this knowledge.
The ulema are an essential part of the umma to the extent that their knowledge is aimed at helping other believers. The ulema are there to dispel the doubts that are presented to the Muslims in their daily lives, to help them in their own search for the best. It is important to understand that the mullahs are not a hierarchy or are nominated by anyone. An alim is to possess the knowledge, which seeks to serve the community, and not have a university degree or be in charge of an institution. The very term 'official' ulama 'is shocking. You can not be learned by decree, ministerial appointment. If we look at history, we realize that many of the mullahs today accepted as benchmarks had problems with power. This is evident in the case of large Alfaquis as Imam Malik, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ibn Hazm, Ibn Rushd or Ibn Taymiyah.
Only taking into account this can be assessed the scope of the discrediting of the official ulema and destructuring effects that this has to discredit the Muslim communities. If we recognize that their role is so important, why Muslims turn their backs on the official ulema? Apart from other considerations (related to the advent of modernity and a break with the traditional model of transmission of knowledge), we must attribute the causes of this disgrace to their own ulema. We note two main reasons: intellectual poverty and collusion with power.
The intellectual poverty of the official ulema dyes acquires tragic when we talk about Alfaquis and muftis in the service of totalitarian regimes. We met with terrible judgments and legal considerations. Some of these cases are notorious: sentences for apostasy in Egypt, the death of homosexuals in Iran sentences women to death by stoning in Nigeria, cuts down to poor children for stealing an apple. Other lesser known cases are no less embarrassing, like the cases of rape in Pakistan, where the woman ends up being punished for the crime of fornication, not being able to bring together four eyewitnesses to the rape. Domestic violence against women is more acute in the Muslim-majority countries in Europe. The difference is that while Europe is fought from the institutions in the Islamic world can find a sentence such as the Supreme Court of United Arab Emirates, according to which the husband is entitled to beat his wife if he did not break a bone. Of course this is not the norm, but an anomaly, and it goes without saying that in most Muslim populated countries abuse is a crime severely punished. However, such a decision confronts us with the existence of judges whose vision of Islam can be regarded as obscurantist.
The examples are many and serious. This type of judicial decision, regardless of the injustice they represent, leading inexorably to the discredit of the sharia as a whole, both among non-Muslims and among Muslims themselves. There is in this respect a strong constraint on the part of this class of priests, consisting of Muslims to believe that such laws are part of the "law of God, when in reality they are legal constructions made by medieval jurists unlikely to find support in the Koran or the Prophet's example. However, with this evidence the official ulema respond with finger: all those who criticize its judgments are accused of being enemies of Islam and trying to dismantle the Sharia, the divine law, what has been prescribed by God as a duty inescapable. Personally, I have been called kafir ,[[1]]heretic, infidel, unbeliever, etc., just for saying that stoning is not prescribed in the Koran, or that the crime of apostasy if it goes against the principle of freedom of conscience set in Quran and validated by the example of Muhammad, peace and the salat of Allah be upon him.
The speech which confuses the sharia (divine law) in fiqh (human development) helps to keep the Muslim-majority countries in the late, always invoking the name of Islam. Today, when talking about the presence of "Islamic law" in the Constitution of any country, the Muslims themselves we start to tremble. Rarely, this implies the prohibition of loans with interest, the establishment of freedom of conscience, social justice and gender equality, all guaranteed in the Koran. Generally, under 'Islamic law' can we expect the inclusion of family codes macho, some punishments and a retrograde and reactionary moralizing hypocrite. All this explains that the mullahs officers are viewed as a whole, with anger and even contempt for millions of believers.
The devastating effect of his speeches is evident in thousands of fatwas circulating on the Internet on many different topics. We have already noted the importance of transferring knowledge in the Islamic world has the fundamental role played by the ulema in shaping Muslim societies. What is the Koran, what is the Sunna, what God tells us through His Word, do you want from us? Many Muslims seek a single answer, a cookbook that will kick its problems, which discourage discord and remove their doubts. Who will answer our questions everyday when they affect the practice of Islam? The confusion among Muslims is huge, faced with an institutional apparatus unable to fulfill their mission of transmitting knowledge, and whose answers are not feasible Muslim's life (and especially Muslim) in the context of plural societies in the XXI century .
We mention some of the foolish, to clarify to what extent these mullahs have been disconnected from the lives of over a half billion Muslims in the world and how their only concern is maintaining itsstatus quo, . The most repeated points affecting the inferiority of women, rejection of other religions and the insistence on the literal application of the penalties established by the lawyers of the Abbasid period. Any attempt to contextualize the message of Islam in the XXI century is demonized as a deviation or innovation and in extreme cases it resulted in a takfir : declaration of Kufur or disbelief.
Many of the fatwas that can be found on the Internet show ordinary people seeking answers to everyday issues that they encounter a wall of rules impossible to apply without destroying their lives. For example, a Western Muslim write asking whether you can shake hands with men at work and get the warning that mix with men is haram ,[[2]]more if they are not Muslims, you are advised to leave their work and that "migrating to an Islamic country "(presumably referred to Saudi Arabia, instead of the answer.)
In another case, a young Muslim asks if he is permitted to contribute to the purchase of a cake and preparations for the wedding of a couple of non-Muslims. The question now is strange in itself, but the response exceeded all expectations: there is nothing wrong in helping the wedding, but it is not advisable to contribute financially and it isharaam to waste money on promoting the haram . It is not convenient to attend the ceremony, as this kind of celebration usually be forbidden things: alcohol, scantily clad women, lewd dancing, men and women in the same room. At this end, our alim warns the unwary young you are not allowed to take a non-Muslim as a friend and it isharam to feel love towards non-Muslims.
In a third case, we have a young Palestinian taxi driver who emigrated to the United States, married with two children. Their concerns focus on the fact that often is forced to take drunken passengers. The answer: it is forbidden for a Muslim to carry alcohol, is forbidden to transport people or depraved sinners to fun places where they commit their sins. Doing so is considered cooperation with sin and will be a bad thing on the Day of Judgement. Thus, it is assumed that the young driver will have to refuse any passenger who had alcohol or going to a nightclub. At the end of his fatwa, and almost as a joke, if alim begs God to give the driver the best customers, so you can earn an honest living. We envision the new doubts about the young Palestinian, their distress at the time of taking passage ...
Alarmed by the above fatwa, one user asks: "I am a company driver and often my bosses ask me to take them to places where alcohol is served, what?". Answer: "If indeed you are a Muslim, you should not wear them. Fear Allah and the Last Day. " In the end, it seems clear that being a taxi driver and a Muslim is incompatible.
In another query at the same service on-line fatwas, a woman who works in the cleaning service of a hotel is concerned that often has to pick up where he has been drinking Drinking alcohol and clean rooms where he has committed fornication. The mufti replied that in that hotel if alcohol is sold or there is any sinful activity has to stop working there. We concluded that any work in the service sector is forbidden for Muslims. Conclusion powerful, since a large number of Muslim immigrants in the West working in this sector.
In all these cases we find Muslims little versed in Islam, who have normal lives in a pluralistic context, and work and friendships that bring them into daily relations with people of other religions and customs. Specific questions arise about the details of everyday life, which reveal a concern something unhealthy to live according to the principles of Islam. The answers are devastating: leave work and migrates rejects your friends, pave a decent life. We can not calculate the effect of these fatwas. This kind of chatter clerics seem unaware of their meaning words. The ease with which issue their judgments suggests that we seek the destruction of another. They seem blinded by the power that has been given the opportunity to affect people's lives. In any case, the ideological violence of these fatwas is incalculable, as is the damage they cause.
The alarmist language abounds, the threat of hell as a constant intended to coerce the Internet to obedience to the advice really hard to follow. The problem is exacerbated when these same messages are repeated by some imams of mosques to proliferate in the West, often formed in the same way of thinking, in the same idealized vision (essential) of Islam, which seeks to preserve the purity of communities to external contamination. All this tends to create a rarefied atmosphere. Young people who try to live honestly Islam are drawn into sectarian and surly attitudes. The more you increase your thirst for knowledge, more will this bolt-pervading thought. Such speeches may well understood among Muslim groups excluded from society, and whose hatred for everything Western predisposes them to accept anything that involves a break. The memory of colonization, Islamophobia and a lack of recognition of the rights of Muslims in the West favors the reactive attitudes. Faced with marginalization and hypocritical speeches about the virtues of democracy and the welfare society, many young people need to live Islam as contrary to everything that comes from the west, and these clerics and imams offered a model.
In most cases, these are fatwas issued from the reactionary feudal Arab thought. The ulema called upon to give answers know all of the contexts in which questions are asked. In particular, consultation with the Palestinian taxi driver from Qatar is answered by a mufti who lives in a country where alcohol is virtually absent (except for private parties of sheikhs) and where women are invisible (except for private parties the sheikhs!). The Mufti in question does not know or seem to care about which means to emigrate from Palestine to the United States, or how difficult it can be for this young man to find a stable job to support his family. Thus, the gap between these reactionary mullahs and believers consultants seem insurmountable.
This gap is most serious. It involves the dismantling of the "spiritual knowledge" as a service to the community, and introduces the "religious knowledge" as an instrument of ideological control. The reactionary mullahs remain anchored in an archaic Islam has nothing to do with this. A woman asked about the legality of contraception and get the following answer: coitus interruptus is permitted with his wife whenever she gives consent. With the slaves do not need your consent, neither for sex nor for coitus interruptus . This is the reply of Shaykh Abu 'Abdullaah ibn' Uthaymeen, professor at the Islamic University and Imam Muhammad ibn Sa'ud member until his death in 2001 of the Grand Ulema of Saudi Arabia.[[3]]
The emphasis on the segregation of the sexes is a real obsession among these characters and situations conducive to creating truly violent. For many years director of the Council of Grand Ulema of Saudi Arabia was Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn' Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz, [[4]]taken as a reference for thousands of Muslims in the last decades of the twentieth century. When asked whether a university is allowed to return the greeting to their partners, offers the following response: You are not allowed to return the greeting, whenever done with decency, they are suitably dressed and mediate sufficient distance between you. But the fact of studying in the same college women is haram.
In other cases, the question of women's work, some alleged ulema as Mufti Ebrahim Desai [[5]]of South Africa cut to the chase and declare that, except in cases of extreme necessity, the woman is not allowed to work. It would be desirable to inform you that Muhammad himself was married 25 years with a working woman, which was employed. But the problem lies elsewhere: as mufti in a strange fatwa declaring that women suffer a degree of imbalance in nature, since it was created from a rib of Adam, peace and blessings. This imbalance is shown their ingratitude towards her husband and the lightness with which he curses those who hurt her feelings. According to the mufti, the husband must be patient and careful with it, for this imbalance in the nature of woman does not outcrop. He added: "This has been repeatedly confirmed by experience" .Thus, through its eccentric response, the mufti can not respond to the concerns of the client, but it gives us a sad picture of their marital relationships.
In another fatwa made a long tirade against oral sex, basing their ban in a hadith where the Prophet said: "Actually, your mouths are pathways for the Koran, so purify your mouths with siwaak (a kind of toothbrush) . Ebrahim Desai's argument is this: if the mouth is an instrument for the recitation of the Word of Allah, how can we use for sex?
A constant of this type of ulama of Puritanism is the end, really little in keeping with the example of the prophet Muhammad. Rashad Hassan Khalil El Sheikh, former dean of the Faculty of Shariah at the University of Al Azhar in 2006 sparked a sterile controversy by declaring that being completely naked during intercourse invalidates a marriage. This view was contested by the fatwa committee chairman of Al Azhar, Abd-Allah Megaw, whereby spouses can look when they are always naked, save the view of the sexual organs. Therefore I recommend to make love covered by a sheet. With this sort of mentality, it is understandable that Islam has evolved from being regarded as a religion prurient (this was a recurring charge from Christianity for centuries) to be considered Puritan (this is a widespread view today). Of course ordinary people can only laugh at such discussions.
On birth control, the Council of Grand Ulema of Saudi Arabia at the time determined it was illegal to take birth control pills, because the Muslim nation needs to grow in number to defend against plots against him throwing the enemies of Islam. What is not clear is that we can make the masses of hungry and vociferous Muslims against American military technology, or the strangeness of these enemies of Islam are allies and supporters of the Saudi regime itself, in which soil have military bases from which to prepare invasions predominantly Muslim countries.
Another constant in these fatwas is the rate of unbelievers, deviants, heretics, innovative or non-Muslims the followers of certain currents within Islam. A Muslim asks if it is permissible to marry a Shia. Answer: Sunnis and Shiites have different beliefs. The Shia are outside of Islam. It is forbidden to love and therefore you should stay as far away as possible from these people. A man explains that he made a funeral prayer without realizing that the imam was Qadiani (or Ahmadi [[6]].) The answer: you have to repeat the sentences, since these people arekuffar and out of Islam. This trend does not escape anyone. We have read fatwas declaring Kafur to virtually all the currents of contemporary Islam, from the most liberal to most conservative.
Very significant is the rejection of many of these so-called scholars of religious pluralism, which is very difficult to justify if one follows the message of the Koran, which says that God sent his messengers to all peoples, and that the Muslim has the obligation to believe in the Quranic revelation and all previous revelations, without distinction between the messengers of God, peace be upon them. [[7]]In spite of this, for our ulema all religions except Islam are kuffar, and all the followers of other faiths are unbelievers condemned to hell.
Sometimes the hostility and rejection of interreligious dialogue come to almost comical extremes. In a text of the aforementioned states ibn Baaz clear in stating that anyone who does not consider as infidels (orinfidels ) to the followers of other religions is himself an unbeliever, which is very serious, and that includes the Prophet Muhammad himself . There are many other things that, according to ibn Baaz, 'override a person's Islam'
This category includes those who believe that some criminal laws of Islam are not applicable in our time, such as cutting of hands for thieves or stoning adulterers. Also believe that one can refer to human laws for commercial transactions or business he makes one unbeliever.[[8]]
This statement was endorsed in the 80s of XX century by the Standing Committee of Fatwas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Later, the same Committee issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslims to read the holy books of other religions, except in the case of religious scholars (again, official ulema themselves), and these only to refute.[[9]]
Among these reactionary mullahs, Judeophobia is not surprising. As an example of a brilliant analysis, we quote the response from Saudi Salah Al-Munajid to a question-Islamophobic complaint about the education received by children in Israel, a matter of deep concern. Answer: Muslims can teach their children to hate Jews without committing an injustice, because the Jews are hateful and enemies of God. But if the Jews teach their children to hate the Muslims are committing an injustice, because Islam is the only legitimate religion.
The intellectual poverty of these ulema contrasts with what we feel as we approach the example of the Prophet. All that Muhammad was a delicacy, sensitivity and service to his fellows, has turned to hatred and intolerance towards any difference. We can read over and over fatwas in recent years have given agencies like the Council of Grand Ulema of Saudi Arabia. There are notable exceptions, but generally the mercy absent. The only criterion taken into consideration is the rigid application of some provisions that have little to do with Islam, which have become the idols of a totalitarian religion.
A look from the outside tend to think that these mullahs must have some reason, they are valid representatives of Islam, and that we protest against them we are nothing but "modernists influenced by the West." That is clothed with robes and pompous titles, many of them are Arabs, they enter prestigious universities in history and holy places of Islam tends to favor this view. However, it should be absolutely clear that the views we have landfill have no basis in Islamic tradition, and that Wahhabism and Salafism are common modernist uneasily with traditional Islam, and have already been denounced as pernicious innovations themselves official ulama of the Ottoman caliphate. For my part, the rejection of these alleged scholars not based in an attempt to modernize Islam but to live Islam as fundamental tradition here and now. Only direct knowledge of the Quran gives us the keys to deal with this power structure, the Quraish [[10]]of our time.
Yet one can not help but ask: how can this radical transformation of Islam in a pseudo-religion that only seems to Islam Muhammad conveyed in its most external? What are these false ulema bases to justify all the provisions with which we are flooded? In a brilliant text, Asma Barlas has shown how the thinking of these reactionary mullahs (she calls them conservatives ). Extracting quote his speech:
Conservative Muslims have been entrenched behind the bulwark of tradition, passing directly from hermeneutics to historical issues. Thus, challenge in the name of tradition, new readings of the Koran, especially if they come from women. The tradition becomes more important than the words and, indeed, is used to invalidate it, since it shifts attention from the Koran to gender roles and traditional performance practices. But when someone disagrees with this construction of tradition and argues that the tradition also gives us the example of Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, who asked why the Qur'an was not addressing women when it was revealed, and Aysha, who narrated more hadith on the Prophet's life than anyone else, the Conservatives took refuge in reason and more specifically in the "public reason." Conservatives safeguard key Koran readings and their own interpretive authority from the text to tradition and reason (public) without paying attention to the criticism directed at them, without opening the text, tradition or reason to criticism .
This chain of elisions also acts precisely in the opposite direction and with the same results. Thus, if someone argues that public reason is socially constructed and reflects the power relations existing in a given society, or that women's interpretations can help reframe public reason and make it more inclusive, the Conservatives are hiding once more behind the tradition, specifically behind the artifice of public consensus (ijma) implied, but eternally binding, which dates back to early Islamic times, this time arguing that this consensus supports the legitimacy of male authority and interpretative readings Quran and it is not right to annul it. Now, tradition, reason and falsifies, again, conservatives can avoid facing feminine criticism of religious knowledge or his reading of the Koran.
When you can not help but comment on these readings, usually discredit conservatives accusing the authors do not use traditional methodologies. However, when somebody makes a critique of traditional methods or proposed new ones, the Conservatives returned to take refuge in the text, or more precisely in the immutability of the meaning of the text which, it claims, confirms once and for all the inferiority of women, making their criticism of the knowledge produced by men irrelevant. Thus closes the circle back to the place of departure, this time from the opposite direction.[[11]]
This strategy is presented as an insurmountable wall, where the answers are not intended to seek the truth but to defend those privileges. Therefore not be entertained in analyzing the arguments, but see if the content is adapted or not previously established a vision. The interpretation advocated by these strategies are inevitably the most reactionary and repressive. Whenever the reactionary mullahs have to choose between two interpretive options, choose the one appropriate for your default view Islam as a patriarchal religion, legalistic and totalitarian.
It is remarkable to realize that there is no internal consistency in their approaches or respects a basic methodology. For example, although it should be clear that a verse of the Koran is above a saying of the Prophet, in many cases do not hesitate to reverse the preference. Take the case of the alleged crime of apostasy, which the reactionary mullahs claim to be punished with death. To justify this statement, citing a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas, according to which the Prophet said: "It is permissible to spill the blood of someone who abandons his religion", and ignored all the Koranic verses that defend freedom of religion and consciousness: "And if thy Lord pleased, believe everyone on earth. Perhaps you can force individuals to be believers? " (Quran 10: 99-100), in addition to the numerous verses of the Quran which refers to the rebels than to prescribe any punishment. [[12]]If we put questioned the validity of the hadith in question, the reactionary mullahs refer to the legal tradition, which has accepted the hadith as authentic and has prescribed the death penalty for apostates. In this case, the tradition serves to nullify the revelation.
Something similar happens with the stoning for adultery. Although there is a sign that literally prescribes a punishment for adultery and even if another verse which prescribes forgiveness when repentance, the reactionary mullahs manage to sustain that stoning is the correct sentence. In this case, they cite a hadith of ibn al-Khattab Omar,[[13]]according to which the verse that condemned to death by stoning adulterers was in the Koran, although it has now disappeared. The official ulema accept this, although in other contexts are not tired of repeating that the Koran is the Eternal Word of God, which has survived unchanged down to the smallest details, condemned as a heretic who claims otherwise.
We are facing a string of unrelated arguments presented as a wall. This wall has no texture, breaks down to a minimum analysis. Yet, mechanical repetition of slogans works as an exercise of hypnotism, blinding the hearts and minds. Only one person predisposed to blind obedience to swallow all this. Thus, it appears that the pillar the whole arrangement is the alleged duty of every Muslim to obey officers' ulama themselves, citing the danger of fragmentation that threatens the community of believers. And all this despite that the Messenger of God himself said: "Diversity of opinion is a mercy of Allah for the Ummah . "
As pointed out by Asma Barlas, the thought of the conservative clerics acting as ubiquitous as a cycle of oppression which is difficult to escape. One of the most commonly used tactics to justify the cancellation of the clearly established by God in the Koran is the doctrine of abrogation, whereby some parts of the Quran abrogate other. [[14]]On this basis, can afford some alleged Shaikh stated that one of most repeated verses of the Koran ("There is no imposition on religion", 2: 256) have been abrogated, and therefore Islam itself can be imposed. In cases like this, it becomes evident the totalitarianism of these alleged scholars, who placed themselves above God and whose interpretations collide dramatically with the Message of the Qur'an.
Dentro de las estrategias para justificar regulaciones no contenidas ni en el Corán ni en la Sunna, una de las más retorcidas es el principio de la prevención. Según esto, con el objeto de prevenir pecados, es posible justificar una ley que no tiene su base en el Corán ni en la Sunna. Este precepto se aplica para justificar la segregación de la mujer, incluyendo leyes discriminatorias ausentes en el Corán y en la Sunna y que de otro modo tendrían difícil explicación. Por ejemplo, la prohibición de conducir coches, vigente en Arabia Saudí, se justifica mediante el argumento de que para conducir hay que destaparse algo del rostro, lo cual es haram para nuestros alfaquíes. El mufti saudí Muhammad Kadwa declara: no hay nada que prohíba a la mujer el conducir conches; ahora bien, dado que el conducir implicaría la violación de los códigos de vestimenta impuestos por la sharia, hay que negarle este derecho (aquí, el código de vestimenta al que se alude es el niqab, que cubre todo el rostro). Y añade: todos conocemos las oportunidades de pecar que ofrecen los coches.
Dado que salir de casa puede conducir a la mujer a «cometer pecados», se la encierra. Para salir tendrá que hacerlo siempre con un acompañante masculino de su familia. A pesar de que el Corán afirma que hombres y mujeres son walis (protectores, allegados, íntimos) los unos de los otros, se ha instaurado la práctica de asignar una especie de guardián a las mujeres, llamado precisamente wali, quien debe velar por su castidad y su pureza, y sin cuyo consentimiento no pueden hacer nada. Aunque existe un hadiz que afirma: «No prohibáis a la mujer el acceso a la mezquita», se considera que es mejor prohibir el acceso de la mujer a la mezquita y mantenerla en casa para prevenir el pecado.[[15]] Así, se establece una cadena de prohibiciones que no tienen fundamento en el Corán y que van claramente en contra del ejemplo de Muhámmad. Aquí, es el razonamiento deductivo el que anula el Corán y las tradiciones del Profeta. Mediante estos mecanismos, llega un momento en que nos damos cuenta de que el islam genuino que enseñó Muhámmad es literalmente destruido, sustituido por una religión que sólo se le parece en los ropajes, pero no en los contenidos.
La manipulación se extiende a los propios principios de la jurisprudencia, usul al-fiqh. El iÿtihâd (esfuerzo interpretativo, yihad del pensamiento) ha dejado de ser asociado a la libertad de conciencia, para convertirse en un derecho que ostentan en exclusiva los propios ulemas oficiales. Este es un elemento clave para la construcción del islam como religión controlada por el núcleo del pensamiento árabe reaccionario, y se encuentra incluso en pensadores tan avanzados como Tariq Ramadan, quien asume como suyas las restricciones establecidas por los ulemas reaccionarios.[[16]] La táctica es siempre la misma: afirmar que «sólo tiene derecho a hacer iÿtihâd quien conozca el árabe a fondo, quien haya estudiado ciencias del islam, quien conozca las circunstancias de la revelación de cada aleya…» Es decir: solo los «expertos religiosos», que han sido preparados para ello en determinadas universidades islámicas. La «apertura de la puerta del iÿtihâd» reclamada por todos los movimientos reformistas de los siglos XIX y XX, lejos de constituirse en un elemento de progreso, ha sido transformada en un elemento represivo. La libertad de interpretación reclamada en exclusiva por los propios ulemas reaccionarios les permite dictar aquellas fatuas que sean del agrado de los gobernantes. De ahí el completo fracaso del llamado reformismo musulmán, asociado ya definitivamente a las corrientes más reaccionarias: wahabismo, salafismo, ijwan al-muslimin, yama’at tablig, yama’at-e-islam…
También el concepto de iÿma[[17]] (consenso de la comunidad) ha pasado a designar el «consenso de los juristas del pasado». Lo que de entrada se presenta como un principio democrático, la búsqueda del consenso entre todos los miembros de una comunidad interpretativa, es transformado en un instrumento de control ideológico. Por ejemplo: en el rechazo al imamato femenino ante hombres y mujeres, el argumento más repetido es el del supuesto consenso de los juristas en su contra. En este caso, se desplaza el derecho de una comunidad determinada a establecer el imamato según el consenso entre los miembros de dicha comunidad. Al mismo tiempo, se ignora conscientemente el hecho de que destacados ulemas y alfaquíes del período clásico consideraron el imamato femenino como perfectamente lícito. En concreto, para un musulmán español es importante saber que dos de los más grandes pensadores de al-Andalus (ibn ‘Arabi e Ibn Rushd) consideraron válido el imamato femenino ante hombres y mujeres.[[18]]
La manipulación operada por estos ulemas reaccionarios es tan evidente y de tal magnitud que difícilmente se puede reconocer el islam en la religión que propagan con sus fatuas. Todo parecido se mantiene en lo externo, las barbas y ropajes que se supone son los mismos que los de la Arabia de hace quince siglos. Sólo que ellos viven en palacios de lujo, usan coches caros fabricados en occidente e invierten el dinero del petróleo en corporaciones norteamericanas. Es fácil decirle (en nombre de Dios) a un joven emigrante que deje su trabajo y se gane la vida honradamente cuando se vive de lamerle los pies a un príncipe obeso, todo envuelto con fórmulas rituales que les confiere la apariencia de hombres piadosos.
En este punto, no podemos sino recordar algunos de los hadices que nos hablan sobre la degeneración interna de la umma. El Profeta dijo:
Llegará para mi umma un tiempo de desgracias en el que los hombres acudirán a sus ulemas en busca de guía, pero los encontrarán como cerdos y monos.
(Kanzul Ammal)
Según un hadiz transmitido por Ali ibn Abu Talib (que Dios esté complacido con él), el Profeta dijo:
Pronto llegará un tiempo en el que del islam no quedará más que el simple nombre. Nada quedará del Corán salvo sus palabras. Las mezquitas estarán llenas de devotos, pero éstos quedarán privados de la orientación divina. Los ulemas de ese tiempo serán las peores criaturas bajo el cielo. La corrupción procederá de ellos, y a ellos volverá.
(Mishkat, Kitab al-Ilm)
Y todavía un tercer hadiz:
El santo profeta dijo: «Pronto desaparecerá del mundo la ciencia (‘ilm), hasta que ya no quede nadie que comprenda las palabras de sabiduría y la inteligencia (del Corán)». Sus seguidores le preguntaron como podía esto ocurrir, si el Corán estaba con ellos, y ellos lo entregarían a sus descendientes. El Profeta respondió: «¿Acaso los cristianos no tienen el Evangelio y la Torah? ¿Y qué provecho extraen de ellos?». (Asad-ul-Ghabah)
No conozco las fuentes originales ni las cadenas de transmisión de estos tres hadices.[[19]] En todo caso, sean o no auténticos dichos de Muhámmad, la paz y la salat de Dios sean con él, me parecen descripciones apropiadas de los ulemas a los que hacemos referencia.
Para ser justos, y como ya hemos dicho al principio, debemos repetir que esta crítica no se dirige a la totalidad de los ‘ulemas oficiales’, sino más bien a un núcleo duro del pensamiento árabo-musulmán contemporáneo, cuya onda expansiva se origina en Arabia Saudí y amenaza con intoxicar a todas las comunidades. Desde esta perspectiva, se comprende que mientras más nos alejemos (ideológica y geográficamente) de este núcleo duro saudí, más recuperamos la confianza en el papel tradicional de los ulemas. Ejemplos notables de ulemas al servicio de las comunidades de base los encontramos en el África negra, en Malasia e Indonesia, donde se encuentran la mayoría de los verdaderos sabios del islam actualmente. Sabios que malviven rodeados de baraka[[20]] en situaciones semi clandestinas, ocultos en los velos de la rahma de Dios. Mientas, los falsos ulemas legajistas se aposentan en las cátedras de la ignorancia, esperando el día en que Dios les abra las puertas del infierno.
Quien esto escribe es un musulmán español, llegado al islam desde el ateísmo. Yo mismo me considero (hasta cierto punto) un producto del descrédito de los ulemas oficiales. Uno de los motivos que me ha movido a escribir sobre el islam es la ausencia de respuestas convincentes entre los que se autoproclaman «guardianes de la tradición». Llega un momento en que no podemos seguir tomando como referentes a esta gente, abrimos nuestros ojos y nos orientamos hacia la Creación, donde Dios se manifiesta. Todo a nuestro alrededor nos habla del islam, del sometimiento de todo a un designio inescrutable. Tomamos el Corán en nuestras manos y todo significa. El Corán ha sido revelado para cada uno de nosotros, sin necesidad de intermediarios. Por ello, hace tiempo que he dejado de lamentarme por la miseria intelectual de los ulemas oficiales, y doy gracias a Al-lâh por haber dotado al ser humano de un corazón pensante, de un raciocinio capaz de someterse y ser guiado por las leyes de la Misericordia Creadora.
Desde el reconocimiento de mi más completa ignorancia, reivindico el derecho a ser guiado únicamente por Al-lâh. Soy consciente de que este camino está lleno de errores, debido a mi falta de capacidad y a las limitaciones que mi ego impone a la recepción de la Palabra revelada. Pero también soy consciente de que este es el único camino, que exige una entrega total a Al-lâh, la consciencia de que sin Su ayuda nunca superaremos nuestro estado de fragmentación y de ignorancia.
Pido perdón por todo aquello que diga, piense o haga no conforme a las enseñanzas genuinas del islam y al ejemplo del Profeta Muhámmad, una bendición para la humanidad, que la paz y la salat de Al-lâh sean sobre él y todos sus seguidores. Pido a Al-lâh que me ayude en la tarea de pensar el islam aquí y ahora, como una fuente viva y llena de sentido para aquellos que rechazan toda idolatría y se postran voluntariamente ante el Creador de los cielos y la tierra, in sha Al-lâh.
[1] Kafir, mal traducido como
infiel. La palabra
kafir viene de la raíz KFR, de donde el verbo
kafara: enterrar, cubrir. André Chouraqui la traduce al francés como
les effaceurs, algo así como «los borradores», ya que ellos
borran los signos de Dios. En ningún caso esta palabra árabe hace referencia a la falta de «fe» de «creencia», con lo cual las traducciones «infiel» o «incrédulo» son inapropiadas. La palabra árabe
kafir ha dado palabras como el maltés
kiefer (‘cruel’) o el francés
cafard(‘traidor’, ‘hipócrita’). En castellano tenemos la palabra
cafre: alguien zafio, bárbaro y cruel. Ninguna de estas palabras tiene connotaciones religiosas.
[2] Haram, prohibido, vedado. Literalmente es «aquello que excluye». De la raíz H-R-M (harama, yahrimu) «alejar, defender, excluir», provienen adjetivos como «inviolable, reservado».
[3] Véase: http://www.fatwa-online.com/scholarsbiographies/15thcentury/ibnuthaymeen.htm.
[4] Véase: http://www.fatwa-online.com/scholarsbiographies/15thcentury/ibnbaaz.htm
[5] Véase: http://www.islam.tc/ask-imam/mufti.shtml
[6] Seguidores de Mirza Ghulam Ahmad de Qadian (1835-1908), un erudito indio que se proclamó el Mehdi, Reformador definitivo del islam e igual a Krishna.
[7] Véase: http://www.islam.tc/ask-imam/mufti.shtml
[8] Sobre esto volveremos en el capítulo 5. Véase también nuestro texto: El pluralismo religioso en el Corán, http://www.webislam.com/?idt=1358
[9] Esta actitud contrasta con el texto del Corán y el ejemplo del profeta. En el Corán se dice que los creyentes son aquellos que creen en la revelación coránica y en todas las revelaciones anteriores. Y el profeta incluso aconsejó aprender hebreo para acceder a los textos de los judíos.
[10] El Quraysh es la tribu dominante en la Meka en el siglo VII, contra la que el profeta Muhámmad se vio enfrentado. Representa aquí los detentadores del poder, que utilizan las tradiciones para justificar sus privilegios.
[11] «Texto, Tradición y Razón: Hermenéutica coránica y política sexual», conferencia impartida en la Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University, octubre 2004. Publicado en Webislam: http://www.webislam.com/?idt=1678
[12] Para un desarrollo de este tema, véase nuestro artículo «Libertad de conciencia y apostasía en el islam», publicado en Webislam: http://www.webislam.com/?idt=7675
[13] Segundo de los llamados califas ortodoxos. Sucedió a Abu Bakr y gobernó entre 634 y 644.
[14] Muhámmad Asad considera la teoría de la abrogación como absurda. Véase El Mensaje del Qur’án, ed. Junta Islámica, p. 23. Reproducido en Webislam: http://www.webislam.com/?idt=2712
[15] Sobre el acceso de la mujer a la mezquita, véase nuestro artículo en El islam en democracia, ed. Junta Islámica 2006, p. 189-192. También en Internet:http://abdennurprado.wordpress.com/2006/03/08/el-acceso-de-la-mujer-a-la-mezquita/
[16] Tariq Ramadan, El islam minoritario, ed. Bellaterra 2002, p. 133-134.
[17] Iÿma: consenso comunitario, decisión tomada en grupo (yama’a). Uno de los conceptos fundamentales de la tradición jurídica, reivindicado como un argumento en pos de la democratización de las sociedades musulmanas.
[18] Véase nuestro artículo: http://abdennurprado.wordpress.com/2005/05/02/polemica-sobre-el-imamato-femenino/
[19] Tomados del libro de Ayatol-lâh Hübsch Las profecías del Islam, ed.Tikal, pp. 91-93.
[20] Baraka: bendiciones. Es la magia de algunos lugares, de algunas personas, de algunos objetos; una magia benéfica que aprovecha al que la recibe.